K.C. Corbin, CET*D

E-mail: kc.contact@kc-scoping.com

  Where you will have a rewording experience!


Other Writing and Editing Services

Before you send that brochure to the printer, before you hit ‘send’ on that e-newsletter, are you sure your spelling and grammar are correct? Just because spellcheck says it is okay, does it say ‘here’ when it should be ‘hear’?

When you communicate with your colleagues, employees, and clients, you always want to be as professional as possible. Misspellings, incorrect word usage, and poor grammar all detract from the message and the messenger.

KC Scope & Scribe offers a full range of services related to written material such as general copy editing or proofreading of newsletters, brochures, Web sites, books, manuals, and more. All will assist you in representing your business as proficient and knowledgeable of your product and services.

Please call or e-mail for job specific quotes.

Scoping/Proofing Rates
Scribing Rates
Other Editing, Proofing and Writing Services
Reporter Preference Sheet
Contact K.C.
About KCSS
K.C.'s Random Thoughts

Copyright 2012 KC Scope & Scribe, Inc.